Why Choose Boss Lubricants

You might be wondering why you should choose Boss Lubricants
and what makes our oil so beneficial. Well, it’s all in the mix.

We Hot Blend, To Ensure
Your Oil Binds Properly.

We hot blend our oil so that it binds molecularly with the additives we use. This makes it the premium product it is. Hot blending is more costly for large, bulk manufacturers. Boss Lubricants blend in small batches, allowing for this gold standard method of blending to be used.

Oils that are hot blended have an infinite shelf life — the additives and base stock will never separate while on the shelf and will last and perform for significantly longer while under the stress and heat of protecting your machine.

The base oil we mix with is 100% virgin oil. Not recycled, not refined. So, we start the highest quality we possibly can and only build upwards from there.

It’s 100% Virgin Oil.
Not Refined,
Not Recycled.

We Over-Treat
Our Oils & Lubricants.

When you put an additive in the mix to create an oil or lubricant, you’re bound by law to make sure you meet a minimum standard. We go far above and beyond that minimum. Over-Treatment is using an amount of additive to enhance an oil’s performance or quality rather than to meet a minimum specification. We always blend to the highest standard possible, not to a minimum specification.